Holy Trinity and St Patricks
You are welcome to join us for our Christmas Celebrations.
The Great Notts Toy Appeal:
We will be collecting on the weekend of 3rd and 4th December. There will be a coffee morning and collection in St. Patrick’s on Saturday 3rd – 10.30 – 12.30 – and Holy Trinity will be open for donations from 2-4pm that day. Toys can also be brought to the Christingle services on 4th December – 10.30 at Holy Trinity and 4pm at St. Patrick’s.
4th December Christingle Services
10.30am at Holy Trinity
4pm at St. Patrick’s
13th December 7.30pm Holy Trinity Brass Band Carol Concert
Christmas Eve 4pm St Patrick’s Crib Service
7pm St. Patrick’s Churchyard Carols - you can download the Carol Sheet here
11.45pm St. Patrick’s Midnight Communion
Christmas Day 10am Holy Trinity Christmas Communion
29th December Holy Trinity
Rain or Shine Theatre—
Sherlock Holmes and the Music Hall Mystery
1st January 10am Holy Trinity Said Holy Communion
The Order of Service for Churchyard Carols will be here, printed copies will be available.
Directions to our parish churches can be found here.
Contact: Rev Barbara - details here.
The Rectory
1, Eastwood Road
NG16 2HX