Nuthall Methodist Church

Nuthall Methodist Church is situated on Nottingham Road, Nuthall adjacent to the Temple Centre. The postcode is NG16 1DP.

Our minister is Rev Andrew Charlesworth who can be contacted:

( 0115 8757414 * click here

Christmas Services:

18th December   

10.45am  Nativity Service
6.00pm    Carol Service

24th December

5.30pm    Crib Service: 
                     Christmas Family Craft for All
11.30pm   Midnight Communion Service

25th December

11am        Christmas Day Family Service

Services are held each Sunday at 10.45am and at 6.00pm.

Sunday School for Juniors (ages 7-11) and Primary (ages 3-7) meet at 10.45am (except on the third Sunday in the month when we hold a Family Service) and there is a creche for younger children.

Late Risers Youth Fellowship (ages 11+) meets at 6.00pm.

Please visit our website for more information and to view our latest newsletter.

The Rectory 

1, Eastwood Road 



NG16 2HX